Whose water might you be paying for?

WaterGroup finds amazing savings by combining smart metering with clever analysis. Make sure you are not paying for someone else's water.

WaterGroup finds significant savings by combining smart metering with clever analysis.

In a recent water use assessment, WaterGroup found that a council was paying for the water use of an up-market restaurant in one of its parks. This alone paid for the study many times over. And this is not an isolated occurrence. WaterGroup is amazed at how often we encounter situations where a site pays the water for a third party without being aware of it.

Another big offender is paying too much for your sewage through an incorrectly assessed SDF (sewage discharge factor). Next are rainwater harvesting systems that are not working at all or only to a fraction of their full capability. Lastly, according to WaterGroup Managing Director Guenter Hauber-Davidson, there are good old-fashioned leaks running for months and months undetected.

How to combat

Like any other problem-solving scenario, the starting point should be getting good data. It should begin with smart water metering. According to WaterGroup’s proven track record, as recently recognised with the IoTAA Impact Award, smart metering, accompanied by a good active water management programme, has saved its clients an average of 14% per year. This means any site using more than 1,000 kilolitres (kL) of water per year, or roughly $3,500 per year, is a site well worth investing in a smart meter.

However, while this will go a long way to identify undetected leaks, it cannot resolve all issues, especially where a company or an organisation might be paying far more for their water than what they should. In these days of immense cost pressures it is all the more important to find every saving there is. The great thing is that with WaterGroup’s simplified methodology to complete these water use assessments, traditionally called site water audits, it is extremely cost-effective to identify these savings. It is also a commendable move towards sustainability. Such a study is the first step in identifying water consumption patterns, inefficiencies, and potential savings.

Keeping it simple

Understanding the water use at a site and identifying any of the main culprits listed above causing higher than necessary costs does not require a full-blown “audit” inspecting every single tap toilet and other water-using fixture. Based on years of experience, WaterGroup has developed a simplified process that follows a proven methodology. It helps the company to quickly get to the bottom of the most important points, the ones that will really change the dial. A recently developed online tool to capture site information further streamlines this process.

How to implement it

A key aspect that WaterGroup emphasizes is identifying right at the onset of a programme all the parties and processes that would need to be involved to implement any of the recommendations. This accelerates the time it normally takes between identifying a saving and realising it. What’s the point of having available recommendations to reduce cost if it takes months to implement them or if it never happens?

Building internal capacity and securing buy-in across departments is just as important. This collaborative approach is essential for the success of your water management project, ensuring that all stakeholders are engaged and committed to the program. 


With the right methodology checking the water use across a key site or your portfolio creates lasting worthwhile benefits, fast, simple and at low cost. It is a crucial step to identify how you could save costs and water across your portfolio and, of course, towards sustainable water management. By partnering with WaterGroup, you gain access to a team of experts dedicated to helping you achieve measurable water savings. From smart metering and finding and costing water efficiencies to alternative water sources, WaterGroup provides a comprehensive solution that not only reduces costs but also promotes environmental responsibility.

WaterGroup would be delighted to work with you and your team to develop a lasting and sustainable water management program. We look forward to discussing these opportunities with you in further detail.

For more information, visit www.watergroup.com.au

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