Waste Innovation & Recycling Awards

The Waste Innovation & Recycling Awards facilitate network integration and development opportunities for those active in Australia’s waste and resource recovery industry. It also acknowledges and celebrates outstanding achievements within this sector.

The Waste Innovation & Recycling Awards facilitate network integration and development opportunities for those active in Australia’s waste and resource recovery industry. It also acknowledges and celebrates outstanding achievements within this sector.

In 2023, the Awards will be held in partnership with and during Waste Expo Australia.

The waste and resource recovery sector continues building capacity, innovating, and influencing governments and communities. The waste industry leaders know that this sector provides more than an essential service to millions of people. It has the potential to be a driver of economic growth within Australia.

In 2023, the Waste Innovation & Recycling Awards will be held in partnership with and during Waste Expo Australia.

2023 Nominations for the Waste Innovation and Recycling Awards are now open

Nominating criteria and instructions:

  • Nominating is free and must be completed using this online form by 11:59 pm Friday, 25 August 2023.
  • Nominations are unable to be withdrawn once nominations are closed.
  • Your nomination must be completed in one sitting; a partially completed form cannot be saved and reopened later.
  • All products and/or technologies must be manufactured and/or commercially available in Australia.
  • Companies and sites nominated must operate within Australia.
  • Executives nominated must reside and work in Australia.
  • All nominations must be accompanied by a high-resolution image (at least 1MB in size) suitable for print publication.
  • Please have any supporting documentation (i.e. equipment specifications, photographs, marketing materials) ready to upload; file sizes shouldn’t exceed 5MB.
  • All finalists are required to have a representative at the Gala Awards evening should they be successful.

By submitting a nomination, you give Prime Creative Media permission to publish all or part of your nomination in Inside Waste, Waste Management Review or another suitable publication.

NOTE: no content is provided to nominees for approval before publication, so please ensure all information, supporting evidence and images are approved for publication before you submit the nomination. Anything that is confidential and not for publishing should be clearly identified.

What categories are open for nomination?

Outstanding WARR Project: Metro – proudly sponsored by Veolia

The Outstanding WARR project award is given to a waste, resource recovery or recycling project that has delivered cost-effective and high-impact success in its targeted field. Nominees must provide examples of success and/or show how the project has achieved KPIs and targets, solved challenging solutions, and demonstrated replicable best practices for the industry. The project must have been implemented/undertaken within two years of the nominations’ closing date. SUBMIT A NOMINATION

Nomination Criteria

  • What are the key issues/challenges/opportunities the project seeks to solve and/or capture, and what targets or KPIs have been met to date? (20 points)
  • What is the project’s high-impact and measurable outcome(s) that go above and beyond industry norms or business as usual, for example, through improvement in environmental or social performance? (30 points)
  • Demonstrate how the project has received strong community support. (20 points)
  • Has the project demonstrated new, replicable best practices for the industry? Please demonstrate how the project, including technologies, methodologies, and approaches, can be expanded or emulated by others. (30 points)

Outstanding WARR Project: Regional

The Outstanding WARR project award is given to a waste, resource recovery or recycling project that has delivered cost-effective and high-impact success in its targeted field. Nominees must provide examples of success and/or show how the project has achieved KPIs and targets, solved challenging solutions, and demonstrated replicable best practices for the industry. The project must have been implemented/undertaken within two years of the nominations’ closing date. SUBMIT A NOMINATION

Nomination Criteria

  • What demonstrable improvements in operational efficiency has the nominee enacted, and what effect(s) has this had on their organisation? (20 points)
  • What best practices processes have been performed to promote a strong OHS record and maintain a safe workplace culture? (20 points)
  • How has the individual or team bettered community relations and environmental quality and achieved sustainability (social, economic, and environmental) improvements? (20 points)
  • How does the nominee plan for and execute technical and operational success under challenging conditions? (20 points)
  • How will (or has) this excellence been embedded in business as usual to ensure ongoing success? (20 points)

Operational Excellence Award

The Operational Excellence Award is given to an individual or team that has achieved demonstrable improvements in efficiency, best practice OHS, and impeccable records. Nominees must demonstrate progress in efficiency, show best practice processes, and provide examples of achievements about best practice that goes beyond standard practice. The relevant period for the supporting evidence must be within two years of the nominations’ closing date. SUBMIT A NOMINATION

Nomination Criteria

  • What are the key issues/challenges/opportunities the project seeks to solve and/or capture, and what targets or KPIs have been met to date? (20 points)
  • What is the project’s high-impact and measurable outcome(s) that go above and beyond industry norms or business as usual, for example, through improvement in environmental or social performance? (30 points)
  • Demonstrate how the project has received strong community support. (20 points)
  • Has the project demonstrated new, replicable best practices for the industry? Please demonstrate how the project, including technologies, methodologies, and approaches, can be expanded or emulated by others. (30 points)

Innovation Award

The Innovation Award is given to an individual or company that has implemented processes and practices, developed and/or rolled out technology, and/or plant that successfully closed the loop, creating a demonstrable circular economy. Nominees must demonstrate how the project, process, practice, plant or technology closes the loop and how the end product is comparable to or better than virgin, material-based alternatives. Nominees must also show long-term commercial viability. The innovation must be new to the market or make significant changes/improvements to an existing innovation within two years of the nominations’ closing date. SUBMIT A NOMINATION

Nomination Criteria

  • How has the organisation maximised resource efficiency, and/or what technology/methodology/plant has the organisation developed to maximise resource efficiency? Provide examples of innovative and creative solutions and demonstrate how these are closing the loop to demonstrate a true circular economy. (25 points)
  • Provide examples of the end product(s) being comparable to or better than virgin material-based alternatives. (20 points)
  • How is the organisation ensuring high and consistent standards of output? (20 points)
  • Is the product a commercially viable long-term proposition? Provide examples of scalability, commercial viability, and end markets. (25 points)
  • Demonstrate impacts the nominee’s technology/methodology/plant has had on the broader community. (10 points)

Outstanding Facility of the Year

The Outstanding Facility Award is given to a new infrastructure project that commenced operating in 2022 or 2023. Nominees must show how the facility was delivered on time and within budget, responsibly planned and developed, and meets world-class standards using innovative approaches and technologies. SUBMIT A NOMINATION

Nomination Criteria

  • What challenges did the project face (in the planning, development, procurement and commissioning process) and how were they overcome? (20 points)
  • Has the project met its budget and schedule, and how did the planning and development process ensure a timely and well-costed project? Additionally, what measures/processes are in place to ensure the long-term financial viability of operations? (25 points)
  • How did the project achieve community support and engagement? (15 points)
  • What is the overall impact of the site on human health and environmental quality?  (15 points)
  • Does the facility have the best-in-class capacity, and what significant efficiencies have been achieved? What innovative technologies or approaches does it employ? (25 points)

Young Professional of the Year – proudly sponsored by REMONDIS Australia 

The Young Professional of the Year Award is given to an individual aged 35 years or younger at the date of nominations closing who has impressed their colleagues and counterparts with their contribution and impact to their organisation and excellence in service. This nomination is strictly by a testimonial from the nominee’s direct report or other managers with first-hand knowledge of the nominee. Additional testimonials are welcome. SUBMIT A NOMINATION

Nomination Criteria

  • How has the individual excelled in their role to date, and what sets them apart from their peers? (40 points)
  • What initiatives of significant impact has the individual championed within and/or beyond the organisation? Please show the measurable impacts of this individual’s initiatives or projects. (30 points)
  • How has the individual shown exceptional leadership skills within the organisation? (30 points)

Woman of Waste – proudly sponsored by Re.Group

The Woman of Waste Award recognises a woman in the industry who has driven change and continues to do so, leading to progress in breaking down barriers and creating new career prospects for the next generation. Nomination is strictly by a testimonial from any individual with first-hand knowledge of the nominee (who can be self-nominated). Additional testimonials are welcome. SUBMIT A NOMINATION

Nomination Criteria

  • How has this individual driven change in the industry and demonstrated leadership within and beyond their organisation? (25 points)
  • How has this individual driven their organisation’s overall success (please show examples of innovation and problem-solving) and overcome challenges in their career? (25 points)
  • How has this individual maintained and encouraged a considered approach to diversity and inclusion? (25 points)
  • How has this individual succeeded in influencing and mentoring other women to impact the waste and resource recovery industry positively?  (25 points)

Community Engagement Success of the Year 

The Community Engagement Success of the Year Award is given to a council (including councils, shires and municipalities) that have rolled out programs/initiatives that have had measurable success in engaging and communicating with the community, resulting in positive outcomes for the industry. Nominees must provide examples of how these programs/initiatives have bettered community relations and/or achieved project targets and KPIs and educate the community to improve waste management and resource recovery practices and outcomes significantly. The program/initiative must have been implemented/undertaken within two years of the nominations’ closing date. SUBMIT A NOMINATION

Nomination Criteria

  • How has the nominee’s program/initiative outperformed older or alternative approaches? (20 points)
  • How can the program/initiative, including its educational and engagement elements, be replicated elsewhere? (15 points)
  • How has the program/initiative made outstanding contributions to the community, creating a long-term sustainable impact? (20 points)
  • Please show how the nominee ensured the project received community support throughout its implementation.  (20 points)
  • Please show how the program has bettered community relations into the future while continuing to achieve high-impact success in its targeted field and for the industry?  (25 points)

WARR Workplace of the Year

The WARR Workplace of the Year Award is given to any private, not-for-profit, or government organisation that has proven to achieve exceptionally high levels of workplace engagement through investment in its employees and initiatives that promote equality. Nominees must show examples of increased productivity, organic growth, and employee satisfaction. Testimonials are welcome. SUBMIT A NOMINATION

Nomination Criteria

  • What new and innovative policies have the organisation implemented to adapt to the changing workforce to attract new talent, improve staff retention, and ensure employee satisfaction? (25 points)
  • How is the organisation leading action to create a more inclusive and diverse workplace (please detail programs, policies, and initiatives)? (25 points)
  • How is the organisation ensuring it equips its employees with the critical skills they need for the future to drive the organisation’s growth, success, and longevity? (25 points)
  • How does the organisation facilitate a healthy work environment? (25 points)

Leader of the Year

The Leader of the Year Award is given to any leader who holds a senior person (executive, manager, director, or equivalent) in a private, not-for-profit, or government organisation who has effectively shaped their business’ success, delivered financial growth, significantly and positively impacted the business culture, and championed the industry widely. The nominee must show their leadership contributions and illustrate their financial and cultural impact throughout the organisation. They must also detail how they have used their position to promote, protect, support, and champion the WARR industry. SUBMIT A NOMINATION

Nomination Criteria

  • How has the nominee foreseen and prepared for changing conditions and challenges and deployed innovative solutions to ensure the organisation’s viability? (20 points)
  • Illustrate the nominee’s significant impact on organisational growth, greater reach, and improved financial performance/impact. (20 points)
  • Please provide examples of the nominee’s achievement of the organisation’s targets and KPIs and any other measurable change and success. (20 points)
  • How has the nominee driven a cultural impact in the organisation to build a diverse and inclusive workplace? (20 points)
  • How has the nominee maximised their position to promote, protect, support, and champion WARR in the broader Australian society, economy and environment? Please show examples of the nominee’s engagement and influence in WARR issues. (20 points)

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