Upgrade works to begin on Birregurra water system

Barwon Water will begin work this month to upgrade Birregurra’s water supply. The upgrade will see the town’s ageing local water treatment plant, open supply channel and storage basins decommissioned and replaced with a 19-kilometre underground pipeline from Colac.

Barwon Water will begin work this month to upgrade the water supply for Birregurra. The upgrade will see the town’s ageing local water treatment plant, open supply channel and storage basins decommissioned and replaced with a 19-kilometre underground pipeline from Colac.

Barwon Water General Manager Planning, Delivery and Environment Seamus Butcher said water quality and security, customer affordability and reduced environmental impacts were all behind Barwon Water’s decision to connect Birregurra to Colac’s water supply as part of the upgrade of Birregurra’s water infrastructure.

“We have enjoyed working with the Birregurra community to save water through the Birregurra Sustainable Communities – Water project. There are significant water savings to be gained by connecting the town to Colac’s water supply.”

At present, Birregurra’s water is sourced from the open Wurdee Boluc and Birregurra channels. It is stored in open basins prior to treatment.

Upgrade needed for Birregurra

The treatment plant has reached the end of its operational life. Barwon Water analysis has shown that the best approach to managing the town’s supply from a water quality, cost and environmental perspective is to connect Birregurra to Colac’s supply via the 19-kilometre pipeline.

“This decision was made taking into account many factors. It included our ability to ensure water quality, water security, environmental impacts, carbon emissions, cost, and bushfire resilience.

“As this new water supply option is already treated at the Colac Water Treatment Plant, it alleviates the need to treat it at the old Birregurra plant. It will significantly reduce electricity usage, in turn reducing carbon emissions and electricity costs.”

Butcher said the supply upgrade would also save water by reducing losses from evaporation from the Birregurra storage basins, particularly during summer, and through other system efficiency improvements.

“The upgrade will ensure we can continue to provide high quality, affordable and secure services for our existing customers, as well as cater for future growth.”

What is happening with the upgrade works?

Construction is scheduled to commence later this month and be completed by mid-2024. Works will take place along the pipeline alignment, between Forrest Street in Colac, and Bowden Street in Birregurra.

The alignment of the pipeline and associated infrastructure follows road reserves (including Woodrowvale/Kettles Road, Colac-Forrest Road and Colac-Lorne Road). It will also cross farmland in places from Forrest Street, Colac. This is where it will connect to the Colac supply system, before connecting into the Birregurra water supply network at Bowden Street.

Above-ground infrastructure, such as a storage tank and pressure-reducing valve (PRV), will be constructed along the finalised pipeline alignment.

In the coming months, Barwon Water will work with landowners directly impacted by construction works on their properties.

During works, there will also be some altered traffic conditions.  Signage and traffic management will be in place to ensure the safe and efficient movement of pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles.

Barwon Water has been keeping the local community informed through a dedicated project website. It will also host as a series of community pop-ups in late 2022 and, more recently, in April.

Ongoing information and project updates (including altered traffic conditions) will continue to be shared. Community members are encouraged to visit yoursay.barwonwater.vic.gov.au/birre-upgrade for more information and project updates.

Once construction is complete, Birregurra will be supplied with water from the Colac water supply system, which is sourced from the West Gellibrand and Olangolah reservoirs in the Otways. As part of the upgrade, Birregurra customers will receive fluoridated water. Fluoride is added to Colac’s water supply under the direction of the Victorian Government’s Department of Health.

The Colac system is able to comfortably meet the demand in Birregurra. It represents about 2.6 per cent of what is already available in the Colac water supply system.

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