When delivering essential everyday services and utilities, key selling points of plastic pipes include durability, a long service life, high performance, simple installation, energy efficiency, recyclability, and cost-effectiveness.
It’s hard to comprehend the vast network of plastic pipelines installed and in operation in Australia and around the world. Most of them are buried and remain in service for more than 100 years. The vat majority of plastic pipeline systems are still in their first life cycle.
“Plastic pipe systems are not only an engineered product designed to last a long time. They are safe for people and the planet but are also the smart choice, using resources responsibly and sustainably,” said the Plastics Industry Pipe Association of Australia (PIPA)’s Executive General Manager, Cindy Bray.
Plastic pipes are engineered products designed to last
Plastic pipes have transformed the way we live. They deliver drinking water, gas, and electricity to homes. Plastic pipes also protect the wires and cables that provide internet services. They’re used in irrigation systems that are essential for growing food and carry away sewerage, rainwater, and stormwater, protecting communities. Long service life is critical for this vital infrastructure we all depend on daily.
“The plastic material used in manufacturing pipes is engineered to be robust, reliable and recyclable,” said Bray. “They are intended and designed to last a very long time. The engineered polymers used are very stable materials. These properties are ideal for products such as pipes when long life expectancy is required.”
Durability is a result of product design
A product’s durability is the ability to remain functional without requiring excessive maintenance or repair when used in its regular operation over its design lifetime.
“For plastic pipes, it is intended that they can be installed and not require any maintenance or repair for decades, unlike other materials,” Bray said.
Plastic pipes can withstand a range of forces. They do not corrode or crack, resist chemical attack, resist abrasion, and maintain a smooth bore for easy fluid flow and better hydraulics. Many studies have been conducted in Australia and around the world showing the long-term performance of plastic pipes in operation, showing no chemical degradation and the pipe’s integrity still intact. These studies can be found on the PIPA website.
Plastic pipes are safe for the people and the planet
Safe drinking water is one of society’s most essential requirements for health. Most western countries take it for granted, but it is a critically managed resource from collection and storage to distribution. The pipe must provide a watertight system and not contribute to any water contamination. They are also designed not to leach secondary material into the fluid flow, which is essential for drinking water applications.
”Plastic pipe systems provide the highest level of safety for carrying drinking water,” said Bray. “All plastic pressure pipes in Australia must conform to the relevant Australian Standards. These Australian product standards mandate pipes and fittings to meet AS/NZS 4020. Testing products for use with drinking water is arguably the most rigorous standard in the world. It assesses a product’s suitability for contact with drinking water.”
Plastic pipes’ long-term, leak-free integrity also prevents water loss, protecting the health of sensitive waterways and minimising flood risk. As a leak-free system, they eliminate the effect of erosion around the system. They have the flexibility to cope with soil movements and subsidence and protect the natural pH of streams and estuarine environments, reducing the likelihood of algal blooms and fish kills.
“Plastic pipes offer clear advantages regarding chemical resistance over other pipe options. They are not affected by soil environments highly corrosive to metal and concrete. They are not affected by compounds that form in wastewater, such as acids that rapidly degrade iron and cement lines pipes, making them the ideal choice for long-term infrastructure,” she said.
Many studies have been undertaken to assess the cost of water pipeline failures and the different water pipe materials. These studies show that plastic pipe systems have the lowest overall failure rates in water infrastructure. As such, it compares favourably to cast iron, ductile iron, steel, and asbestos cement. Corrosion is the primary cause of failure.
The Smart Choice
Plastic pipes have performed well in complete life cycle assessments (LCA), demonstrating high sustainability standards across the product’s life. LCA studies show plastic pipe systems have a better environmental profile than other materials.
“The manufacturing process for plastic pipes has a low carbon footprint. They are clean, have low emissions, and feature lower embodied energy,” said Bray.
When it comes to transportation, plastic pipes are lighter compared to other pipe materials. It generates advantages, such as more pipes per truckload. Lighter pipes are also easier to install. For open trench installation, plant equipment is minimised compared to heavier pipe materials. This can increase lay rates and reduce CO2 emissions.
The versatility of plastic pipe systems allows for the option for trenchless installation as well, particularly with polyethylene pipe. This allows for fewer disruptions during the installation or repair of existing pipelines allowing flexibility and cost-effective installation and lowering the impact on the environment and community.
Studies have been undertaken to compare a range of plastic and ductile iron pipes. Plastic systems have the lowest embodied energy, with tensile iron systems the highest. The PVC-O system can perform over six times better than the ductile iron.
Playing a role in the circular economy
There are three fundamental principles of a circular economy. They are designing out waste and pollution; keeping products and materials in use; and regenerating natural systems. Plastic pipe systems align with all three.
Bray noted that plastic is the material choice for pipe and supports a circular economy in a closed-loop system. This is the case in manufacture, design, installation, and performance.
“By using recourses responsibility through better design, we are working smarter. We’re committed. And we’re working towards creating a healthier environment and sustainable future,” she said.
For more information on PIPA, visit www.pipa.com.au and visit their sustainability microsite pipa.com.au/our-sustainability-story/
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