Six replacement water sharing plans commence

The NSW Government has approved replacement water-sharing plans for six regions across the state to ensure water continues to be distributed equitably and sustainably among towns, industry and the environment over the next 10 years.

The NSW Government has approved replacement water-sharing plans for six regions across the state to ensure water continues to be distributed equitably and sustainably among towns, industry and the environment over the next 10 years.

The replacement plans include the North Western Unregulated and Fractured Rock Water Sources, the Murray Unregulated River Water Sources, the Intersecting Streams Water Sources, the Lower Murray Darling Unregulated River Water Sources, the NSW Border Unregulated Rivers Water Sources and the Castlereagh Unregulated River Water Sources

As part of the robust development process, the plans went on public exhibition at varying times between July and December 2023, and residents, councils, water users, industry groups, environmental stakeholders and Aboriginal people were able to have their say.

“Water-sharing plans are vital tools for managing our state’s water resources, and these six replacement plans will ensure we can continue to do so fairly and sustainably,” said Giselle Howard, NSW DCCEEW Executive Director of Water Planning. “That includes continuing to protect basic landholder rights, cultural needs and water for the environment, and setting limits on how much water can be taken to help ensure our rivers, aquifers and waterways remain healthy and resilient.”

The NSW DCCEEW listened carefully to this valuable community feedback, which helped inform the final plans. It has also actioned recommendations from the Natural Resources Commission‘s review of these plans. Changes have also been made to simplify the plans, make them clearer, and make it easier for water users to understand and comply with the requirements.

In some areas, the NSW DCCEEW has made changes to water access and trading rules. It does not expect these changes to significantly impact water users, but they may improve their ability to trade water in some instances.

Water-sharing plans are legal instruments that set the rules for how water is shared between water users and the environment and how it is equitably allocated among licence categories.

The replacement plans are valid for the next decade, but the NSW DCCEEW will audit them after the first five years to ensure they are working effectively and appropriately.

“The Natural Resources Commission will audit these plans again in 2029 to make sure they’re working the way they should for the environment, all water users, our businesses and communities,” said Howard.

For more information and to read the What We Heard reports from community consultation, visit the water sharing plans.

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