Next stage of Renewable Organics Network coming

The Colac Renewable Organics Network (RON) at Barwon Water’s Colac Water Reclamation Plant continues to grow and innovate with works under way to cater for future growth in Colac and to produce even more clean, green and low-cost energy.

The Colac Renewable Organics Network (RON) at Barwon Water’s Colac Water Reclamation Plant continues to grow and innovate with works underway to cater for future growth in Colac and to produce even more clean, green and low-cost energy.

Stage one of the innovative project was commissioned in December last year. That means the town’s water reclamation plant is now powered by renewable energy. This is thanks to the biogas produced by organic waste from the Australian Lamb Company (ALC) as it breaks down.

Works on stage two of the Colac RON are now underway to enhance the treatment capacity at the plant. It will help facilitate growth in Colac and replace ageing infrastructure. The works will also see more renewable energy produced at the Colac RON. That will send renewable electricity to the grid, reducing ALC’s natural gas usage and contributing to emissions reductions.

Barwon Water Managing Director Tracey said the works would see the construction of the Australian-first hot water network that will transfer heat back to the Australian Lamb Company for use in its operations.

“Installation of a second co-generation unit (generator) on the site will be a key component of this stage two work. The new ‘co-gen’ unit will double energy production. It will enable the operation of the hot water network through the additional heat it will produce. It will also see more electricity sent to the grid.”

The heat transferred via the hot water network will offset ALC’s natural gas consumption by 21.4 terajoules yearly. This is equivalent to the gas usage of 350 households.

The plant will soon also accept liquid organic waste from Bulla Dairy Foods and will produce 5.5 GWh of energy. That is equivalent to the electricity usage of over 1000 households.

This significantly reduces the high-energy cost of treating sewage and wastewater, helping to keep Barwon Water customers’ bills affordable. It will also reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the site by 6,300 tonnes per year.

Renewable Organics Network continues to grow

Stage two of the Colac Renewable Organics Network should be fully operational in 2023.

Barwon Water Managing Director Tracey Slatter said Barwon Water’s partnership on the project with ALC and Bulla Dairy Foods was extremely positive.

“Together, we are turning waste into a valuable resource. It reduces our carbon footprint and energy costs. That helps keep our customers’ bills affordable, and creates local jobs,” she said.

“The project is a win-win for Barwon Water, our customers, local industry and the prosperity of our region.

“Treating water and sewage is an energy-intensive process. Powering the plant on renewable energy delivers huge benefits to the environment and to our operating costs. It is helping us deliver on our commitment to achieve 100% renewable electricity use by 2025 and zero net emissions by 2030.”

In further exciting news for the project, DELWP has recently announced $50,000 circular economy funding for concept design of a possible stage three of the Colac RON.

“The concept design for Colac RON stage three will investigate the feasibility of processing solid organic waste in the Colac region, which could mean taking kerbside organic waste collected by Colac Otway Shire, or other solid organic waste from Bulla Dairy foods, ALC, Colac Area Health, and wood packaging business CMTP.”

Key benefits would include a local solution for solid organic waste processing, carbon sequestration through the production of soil enhancers like bio-char, renewable energy production and managing costs for customers.

The Colac RON, which is creating 17 construction jobs and 45 ongoing jobs, has previously been supported by $240,000 in funding from the Victorian Government.

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