More accolades for Rookwood Weir

Rookwood Weir has again been recognised for its high construction standards and sustainability practices. It was shortlisted as a finalist in the Planning and Infrastructure category for the 2023 Premier's Awards for Excellence.

Rookwood Weir has again been recognised for its high construction standards and sustainability practices. It was shortlisted as a finalist in the Planning and Infrastructure category for the 2023 Premier’s Awards for Excellence.

The nomination acknowledges the project’s commitment to delivering a safe and secure water supply and creating more jobs in regional Queensland.

This is the project’s third major accolade. In early 2024, it was named joint winner of the Queensland Major Contractors Association’s Project of the Year Over $100M Award for best-practice weir design and delivery.

In 2023, the Infrastructure Sustainability Council awarded Rookwood Weir an “excellent” rating after evaluating economic, social and environmental performance during its design phase.

This was the first time a weir in Australia or New Zealand had been certified for an Infrastructure Sustainability Rating, which recognised the project’s focus on habitat connectivity, energy savings, and local employment and training.

The award-winning Weir will provide water to 25 customers, unlocking more agricultural produce and jobs. One of the Weir’s customers is Lush Lychees, which says the water from the Weir will enable the business to plant 4,000 new lychee trees at its South Yaamba property.

Expanding their orchard to 9,000 trees will enable the business to hire up to two permanent employees and an additional 30 casual picking staff.

Quotes attributable to Federal Minister for the Environment and Water Tanya Plibersek:

“I am thrilled that Rookwood Weir is in the running for the Premier’s Awards for Excellence.

“This project was no easy task, so this nomination is a real credit to the dedication and hard work of the project team.

“Seeing the real, on-the-ground benefits for local growers such as Lush Lychees is proof of the impact this project will continue to have in the region.

“Rookwood Weir is vital in delivering secure and reliable water for Central Queensland, supporting the local economy, and providing jobs for future generations.”

Quotes attributable to Queensland Minister for Water Glenn Butcher:

“The Queensland Labor Government invested in this project because we knew it would transform Central Queensland and generate more jobs in more industries.

“Not only is the Weir the biggest in the nation since World War II and the biggest bulk water asset the country has seen in over a decade, but these awards show it’s one of the best projects of its kind in the world. That is truly an amazing achievement. We certainly don’t do anything by half-measures here in Queensland.

“These awards are a recognition of all the staff who played a role in this important Central Queensland project.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Rockhampton Barry O’Rourke:

“It has been fantastic to witness this Central Queensland project come to life, and we can now look forward to the water from the Weir contributing to the region’s future prosperity.

“It’s great to hear from growers large and small about how water from Rookwood is helping them grow their businesses and create new jobs. This project will transform our region, and I’m not surprised it has received so many accolades.

“Only Labor delivers for Central Queensland. I’m proud to see the Weir creating construction jobs, agriculture jobs, food manufacturing jobs, Sunwater jobs – so many jobs for Rockhampton and all of Central Queensland.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Keppel Brittany Lauga:

“I’m proud to see Rookwood creating more jobs in Central Queensland, and it is exciting to see this new dawn for high-value agriculture in our region.

“This Queensland Government is delivering for Central Queensland through vital water security projects like Rookwood Weir, the Mount Morgan Pipeline, the Fitzroy to Gladstone Pipeline, and the many projects funded through Building our Regions. All are part of the Miles Government’s $5.8 billion investment in water infrastructure since 2015.

“At a time when the LNP is talking about themselves, nuclear power, and who knows what, we’re continuing to get on with delivering infrastructure to Central Queensland.”

Quotes attributable to Sunwater CEO Glenn Stockton:

“It’s pleasing to see the Rookwood Weir project team receiving recognition for all their efforts over the past few years, overcoming a range of challenges to design and deliver world-class water storage.

“Sunwater would like to acknowledge the dedication and support of our Alliance partners – ACCIONA, GHD and McCosker Contracting Pty Ltd – with whom we share the opportunity to bring prosperity to regional Queensland.”

Quotes attributable to Lush Lychees owner Krystal Caton:

“This water allocation from Rookwood Weir is vital for the growth of our business. We’re able to expand our lychee production, explore the production of new horticulture crops, and improve the irrigation of our dryland cropping using structures like pivots.

“Planting 4,000 new lychee trees has boosted our orchard to 9,000 trees, which is impressive for a lychee farm!

“We can create new jobs during planting, pivot construction and harvest periods. We anticipate hiring an additional 30 casual picking staff and several permanent employees.

“This allocation will significantly help expand our business by making it drought-proof and enhancing sustainability.”

Further Information:

Rookwood Weir was completed in late 2024. Thanks to good rain over the catchment late last year and early this year, it has already filled and spilled, bringing the Weir closer to formal commissioning.

Wet commissioning activities at the Weir continue, and finalisation of these and some environmental approvals will enable Sunwater to provide customers with water from the Weir.

Landholders successful in Rookwood Weir water sales are also completing contractual requirements before finalising their water entitlements to access water from the Weir.

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