To produce drinking or process water, filtration treatment processes ground, surface or wastewater. Each method effectively separates solids from water.
Many industries need a constant stream of portable drinking or process water. For example, food manufacturing and automotive assembly operations use processed water, whilst sewerage treatment plants require effective wastewater filtration processes.
Solid particles are entirely removed from the water. This can be from groundwater, surface water or even pre-treated wastewater.
These processes in water treatment have a clear objective: to provide the correct quality of water for the specific industrial application. It is an important stage when treating water. Firstly, multiple methods of pre-treatment are common. This could include flocculation, coagulation and sedimentation.
Following pre-treatment, various forms of water filtration can be used. For fine screening, drum filters and disc filters are common. They remove suspended solids from the water and polish effluent from wastewater treatment plants.