Communities and businesses across Sydney, the Blue Mountains and the Illawarra are on their way to securing an enduring, sustainable and resilient water supply. It follows the NSW Government launched the Greater Sydney Water Strategy (GSWS) to secure Greater Sydney's water security.

New era of Greater Sydney water security

Communities and businesses across Sydney, the Blue Mountains and the Illawarra are on their way to securing an enduring, sustainable and resilient water supply. It follows the NSW Government launched the Greater Sydney Water Strategy (GSWS) to secure Greater Sydney’s water security. Read More
Whether it’s drinking water quality, equity of services, customer experience or climate change action, it's time to tell SA Water what's important to you regarding the services they provide, including how much you’re willing to pay for them. Talking water with your water authority so they can learn from you!

Let’s start talking water, South Australia

Whether it’s drinking water quality, equity of services, customer experience or climate change action, it’s time to tell SA Water what’s important to you regarding the services they provide, including how much you’re willing to pay for them. Talking water with your water authority so they can learn from you! Read More