Despite the challenging environment, the intersection of wastewater and IoT is utilising the right data to make savings across the network.

Flushing out wastewater woes with IoT

Despite the challenging environment, wastewater is an area where having the right data is critical for ongoing understanding and savings of the entire network. Kallipr is at the cutting edge of IoT technology that can support wastewater managers. Read More
Water utilities are increasingly looking at nature-based solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in their wastewater facilities.

Nature-based solutions to wastewater

With water utilities and local councils increasingly looking at nature-based solutions, a project out of Millowl (Phillip Island) is providing opportunities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Read More

Water supply upgrade for Loddon homes

The Victorian Government is delivering a better drinking water supply for Loddon and other locations across rural northern Victoria, with a major upgrade to the region’s water infrastructure now complete. Read More